"Triclinic. Usually in tabular crystals parallel to brachypinacoid." — Ford, 1912


"Triclinic. Usually in tabular crystals parallel to brachypinacoid." — Ford, 1912

"Orthorhombic. Tabular; consisting of prominent brachypinacoid faces modified by a prism and a low brachydome." — Ford, 1912


"Orthorhombic. Tabular; consisting of prominent brachypinacoid faces modified by a prism and a low brachydome."…

"Habit varied and crystal show many forms. Crystals often tabular parallel to brachypinacoid." — Ford, 1912


"Habit varied and crystal show many forms. Crystals often tabular parallel to brachypinacoid." —…

"Orthohombic. Habit prismatic, showing usually a combination of prism with large angle, brachypinacoid, base and macrodome." — Ford, 1912


"Orthohombic. Habit prismatic, showing usually a combination of prism with large angle, brachypinacoid,…