A chatzozerah, or straight trumpet from Psalms 98:6.


A chatzozerah, or straight trumpet from Psalms 98:6.

The cornet is a brass instrument very similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact shape, and mellower tone quality. The most common cornet is a transposing instrument in B♭. It is not related to the medieval cornett or cornetto. The cornet was originally derived from the post horn. Sometimes it is called a cornopean, which refers to the earliest cornets with the Stölzel valve system.


The cornet is a brass instrument very similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact…

The cornet is a brass instrument very similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact shape, and mellower tone quality. The most common cornet is a transposing instrument in B♭. It is not related to the medieval cornett or cornetto. The cornet was originally derived from the post horn. Sometimes it is called a cornopean, which refers to the earliest cornets with the Stölzel valve system.


The cornet is a brass instrument very similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact…

A keren, or "horn" found in the Bible. Josh 3:5


A keren, or "horn" found in the Bible. Josh 3:5

A brass instrument, with a conical tube and double reed, having a resemblance to the oboe and the bassoon, thoughj with a richer timbre.


A brass instrument, with a conical tube and double reed, having a resemblance to the oboe and the bassoon,…

The saxhorn is a brass instrument with: a, mouthpiece; b, valves; c, keys; d, bell; e, crook.


The saxhorn is a brass instrument with: a, mouthpiece; b, valves; c, keys; d, bell; e, crook.