The sternum in this cut consists of two bones. The first is broad and thick above, and contracts as it descends. It is convex before and concave behind. At the upper angle a, the collarbone is articulated; b, the articular surface for the cartilage of the first rib; b, for the second rib; c,d,e,f,g, mark the articular surfaces of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs; h, the ensiform cartilage, terminates the lower extremity of the sternum. In older people, this cartilages is often changed into bone.


The sternum in this cut consists of two bones. The first is broad and thick above, and contracts as…

Sternum, front and side view. The sternum, or breast bone, is a flat narrow bone, situated in the median line in the front of the chest, and consisting, in the adult, of 3 portions.

Human Sternum Bone

Sternum, front and side view. The sternum, or breast bone, is a flat narrow bone, situated in the median…