"Altars were either square or round. Specimens of both kinds are here given from ancient sculptures." — Anthon, 1891


"Altars were either square or round. Specimens of both kinds are here given from ancient sculptures."…

An illustration of an Egyptian hieroglyphic depicting Egyptians baking bricks.

Brick Baking

An illustration of an Egyptian hieroglyphic depicting Egyptians baking bricks.

"These brick retorts are 9 feet long and with diameters of 22 and 13.5 inches, set four in an oven to one unarched furnace. Each retort will, it is affirmed, carbonize 500 tons cannel coal, or 2000 tons per oven of four, without any repairs whatever. Decayed bricks may be removed from these retorts and new ones inserted, and when thoroughly repaired they are again equal to new." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Brick Retort

"These brick retorts are 9 feet long and with diameters of 22 and 13.5 inches, set four in an oven to…

"An external brick or stone support to the wall of a building, or to a simple wall." — Williams, 1889


"An external brick or stone support to the wall of a building, or to a simple wall." — Williams,…

An illustration of a type of elevator composed of a small pulley used in this case to lift brick and mortar.

Brick and Mortar Elevator

An illustration of a type of elevator composed of a small pulley used in this case to lift brick and…

"Why no one should spit on floors or sidewalks and why flies should be kept away from food." —Davison, 1910

Flies outside window

"Why no one should spit on floors or sidewalks and why flies should be kept away from food." —Davison,…

A brick building, where a battle would later take place.

Hanover Courthouse, Virginia

A brick building, where a battle would later take place.

"Horizontally-coursed Arch." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Horizontal Arch

"Horizontally-coursed Arch." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

A type of rustic masonry.

Beveled Masonry

A type of rustic masonry.

A type of rustic masonry.

Frosted Masonry

A type of rustic masonry.

A type of rustic masonry.

Plain Masonry

A type of rustic masonry.

A type of rustic masonry.

Vermiculated Masonry

A type of rustic masonry.

Known as "Brick," was a journalist.

M. M. Pomeroy

Known as "Brick," was a journalist.

A type of masonry in which the courses differ as to the height, length, or thickness of their stones.


A type of masonry in which the courses differ as to the height, length, or thickness of their stones.

"About two feet away from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower pot. Midway between the two, place a board or glass screen that reaches from the table to a height of several inches above teh bulb of the air theremometer. Upon the flower pot, place a very hot brick. Notice that the heat of the brick has little effect upon the thermometer. Then hold a sheet of tin plate over the screen so that energy radianted obliquely upward from the brick may be reflected obliquely downward toward the thermometer. By properly adjusting the position of the reflector, the thermometer may be quickly affected." -Avery 1895

Heat Reflection

"About two feet away from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower pot. Midway between the two,…

"A conduit or canal constructed, especially in a town or city, to carry off superfluous, water, soil, and other matters; a public drain. A, B, C, D, E forms used in London, Paris, and other European cities; F, G, H, I, J, K, L, special forms used in New York and other American cities. F shows a method of repairing with tiles at the bottom of an oval sewer. G, tile-bottomed sewer. H, barrel sewer...of wood bound with iron. I, a form used for large sewers. J, section of pipe sewer. K, half section of sewer having section similar to B, but also provided with a spandrel. L, the aqueduct form, used for large sewers only, it rests on a bed of concrete." —Whitney, 1889

Collection of Sewer Cross-Sections

"A conduit or canal constructed, especially in a town or city, to carry off superfluous, water, soil,…

Shaft wall from mining.

Shaft wall

Shaft wall from mining.

"A furnace in which metals are separated from their ores. a, fire-brick lining; b, masonry; c, opening in the side of the upper part of the furnace through which it is charged; e, boshes; f, throat; g, hearth or crucible; h, dam-stone; i, twyer; That part lying below the widest diameter, above the boshes, is called the shaft." —Whitney, 1889

Smelting Furnace with Fire Burning

"A furnace in which metals are separated from their ores. a, fire-brick lining; b, masonry; c, opening…

In masonry, is a term applied where surface of a wall shows groves between the different courses of stones, thus giving the appearance of open joints. There are many varieties of it.

Rustic Work Depictions

In masonry, is a term applied where surface of a wall shows groves between the different courses of…