A bit is used in equestrian activities and placed in the mouth of a horse, so the rider can control the horse.


A bit is used in equestrian activities and placed in the mouth of a horse, so the rider can control…

A man exercising with the bridle. This device is used for neck exercises.


A man exercising with the bridle. This device is used for neck exercises.

A bridle is a piece of equipment used to direct a horse. This bridle includes both the head stall that holds a bit which goes in the mouth of a horse, and the reins that are attached to the bit.

Bridle Bit

A bridle is a piece of equipment used to direct a horse. This bridle includes both the head stall that…

"Gun-lock. a, hammer or cock; b, tumbler; c, bridle; d, bridle-screw; e, sear; f, sear-screw; g, sear-spring; h, sear spring screw; i, main-spring; k, swivel; l, l, side-screws." -Whitney, 1911

Gun Lock

"Gun-lock. a, hammer or cock; b, tumbler; c, bridle; d, bridle-screw; e, sear; f, sear-screw; g, sear-spring;…

"Bridle and Bit, that part of a horse's harness which is attached to the head and mouth, by means of which he is governed and restrained." -Vaughan, 1906

Horse Bridle and Bit

"Bridle and Bit, that part of a horse's harness which is attached to the head and mouth, by means of…

An illustration of a man putting a bridle on a horse.

Man & Horse

An illustration of a man putting a bridle on a horse.