Field Marshal Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst of Montreal KB (sometimes spelled Geoffrey, or Jeffrey, he himself spelled his name as Jeffery) (January 29, 1717 – August 3, 1797) served as an officer in the British Army and as Commander-in-Chief of the Forces.

Jeffrey Amherst

Field Marshal Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst of Montreal KB (sometimes spelled Geoffrey, or Jeffrey,…

"1. Companies of the Regulars marching into Concord. 2. Companies of the Regulars drawn up in order. 3. A Detachment destroying the Provincial Stores. 4, 5. Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn viewing the Provincials, who were mustering on an East Hill in Concord. 6. The Court and Town-house. 7. The Meeting-house."—Coffin, 1879.

British Troops on Concord Common

"1. Companies of the Regulars marching into Concord. 2. Companies of the Regulars drawn up in order.…

A British Army officer known for his victory over the French in Canada during the early 18th century.

James Wolfe

A British Army officer known for his victory over the French in Canada during the early 18th century.

(1833- ) Commander in chief of the British army

Lord Wolseley

(1833- ) Commander in chief of the British army