"Lives in slow-running rivers, is one to two feet long, conceals itself under stones like an eel, and feeds on aquatic insects and young fish. It weighs from one to eight pounds; the flesh is white, soft, and of good flavor; common in Europe." — Goodrich, 1859


"Lives in slow-running rivers, is one to two feet long, conceals itself under stones like an eel, and…

"Burbot (Lota vu'garis), with jugular ventral fins." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Burbot (Lota vu'garis), with jugular ventral fins." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

The burbot (Lota lota), is the only freshwater member of the cod family, gadidae. It is most common in streams and lakes of North America and Europe above 40°N latitude. They are fairly common in Lake Erie but are also found in the other Great Lakes.


The burbot (Lota lota), is the only freshwater member of the cod family, gadidae. It is most common…