"In order that [Alaric's] body might be saved from the gaze of the vulgar and the rage of his foes, he gave direction that it should be buried in the bed of the river Busentinus."—Ridpath, 1885

The Burial of Alaric in the Bed of the Busentinus

"In order that [Alaric's] body might be saved from the gaze of the vulgar and the rage of his foes,…

The ship is pictured as it looked shortly after being unearthed. The tent-like structure at the back that is in most depictions, is not included in this illustration. Four of the 32 shields that were found can be seen attached to the side of the hull. The ship is raised up on a wooden frame. The ship was found in a burial mound in Sweden.

The Remains of the Prow of the Viking Ship Gokstad

The ship is pictured as it looked shortly after being unearthed. The tent-like structure at the back…