This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

Bus Stop, Black and White

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

Bus Stop, Color

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

Bus Stop, Color

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

Bus Stop, Outline

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

Bus Stop, Silhouette

This sign indicates that a bus stop is located nearby.

A tracked vehicle is a vehicle that runs on continuous tracks instead of wheels. The principal design advantages of tracked over wheeled vehicles are that they are in contact with a larger surface area than would generally be the case with a wheeled vehicle, and as a result exert a much lower force per unit area on the ground being traversed than a conventional wheeled vehicle of the same weight.

Traction Vehicle

A tracked vehicle is a vehicle that runs on continuous tracks instead of wheels. The principal design…