This illustration shows the cross-section of a stem of Botrychium: p, pith; x, xylem; m, ray; c, cambium; ph, phloem; e, endodermis; cr, cortex.


This illustration shows the cross-section of a stem of Botrychium: p, pith; x, xylem; m, ray; c, cambium;…

"Transverse section of an open fibro-vascular bundle. c, cambium; cb, continuation of cambium between the fibro-vascular bundles; g, large pitted vessels; t, smaller pitted vessels and spiral vessels intermixed with wood-cells; y, inner phloem layers; bm bast fibers; m is the parenchyma of the pith; r, is the cortical parenchyma. Immediately external to the bark lies the bundle sheath of cells filled with starch." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893


"Transverse section of an open fibro-vascular bundle. c, cambium; cb, continuation of cambium between…

"Longitudinal section of an open fibro-vascular bundle. c, cambium; s, spiral vessels with fibers which can be unrolled; l, scalariorm reticulated vessel; h, h', h'', h''', wood-cells; t, bordered pitted vessel; t', young pitted vessel; p, inner phloem layer; b, best layer; gs, bundle-sheath; r, cortical parenchyms; m, pith parenchyms. The elements are developed from s to t' in the xylem portion." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Fibro-vascular Bundle

"Longitudinal section of an open fibro-vascular bundle. c, cambium; s, spiral vessels with fibers which…

"Radial longitudinal section of wood of Pinus Sylvestris. a, cambium; b, c, d, e, f, wood cells; f, bordered pits in an early stage of formation, before the thickening ring has arched over the thin portion of cell'wall; t', bordered pit after the thickening mass has arched over the thin cell-wall; st, very large pits where in contact with medullary rays." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Pinus Sylvestris

"Radial longitudinal section of wood of Pinus Sylvestris. a, cambium; b, c, d, e, f, wood cells; f,…

"Schizogenous resin duct in the young stem of ivy (Hedera helix), as seen in cross section. A, early, and B, later stage in the formation of the duct. g, the mature duct; c, cambium wb, phloem; b, bast fibers." -Stevens, 1916

Ivy Stem

"Schizogenous resin duct in the young stem of ivy (Hedera helix), as seen in cross section. A, early,…

To graft two plants together using the tongue or whip grafting approach, you must first make a sloping cut in the rootstock with a 'tongue' pointing up. Next you must make a matching cut in the scion wood with a 'tongue' pointing downwards. Finally you join the two, ensuring maximum contact of the cambium layers. Bind with rafia or polythene tape and seal with grafting wax.

Tongue Grafting

To graft two plants together using the tongue or whip grafting approach, you must first make a sloping…