A machine used for raising anchors on ships.


A machine used for raising anchors on ships.

"The capstan, in universal use, on board of ships, is an axle placed upright, with a head, or drum, A, pierced with holes for the levers B, C, D. The weight is drawn by the rope E, passing two or three times round the axle to prevent its slipping. This is a very powerful and convenient machine. When not in use, the levers are taken out of their places and laid aside, and when great force is required two or three men can push at each lever." —Comstock, 1850


"The capstan, in universal use, on board of ships, is an axle placed upright, with a head, or drum,…

"The capstan is a familiar example of this form of wheel and axle. It is used by sailors for warping vessels up to a dock, raising anchors, &c.; and consists of a massive piece of timber, round which a rope passes. This is surmounted by a circular head, perforated with holes, into which, when the instrument is to be used, strong bars, called handspikes, are inserted." —Quackenbos 1859


"The capstan is a familiar example of this form of wheel and axle. It is used by sailors for warping…

"A block used in ships, having an opening in one side to receive the bight of a rope, chiefly used for heavy purchases, where a warp or hawser is brought to the capstan." — Williams, 1889


"A block used in ships, having an opening in one side to receive the bight of a rope, chiefly used for…