"Forum of Pompeii. A, principal entrance; B, a Corinthian temple; C, the public prison (carcer publicus); D is supposed to have been a horreum, or public granary; E, temple of Venus, the guardian goddess of the city; F, basilica; G, H, I, the curiae, or civil and commercial tribunals; K, a rectangular building which may have served the purpose of a shop for money-changers; L, a portico terminating in an apsis; M, temple of Mercury or Quirinus; N, a building with a large semicircular tribune, which probably constituted the residence of the priests called Augustales." -Whitney, 1911

Forum of Pompeii

"Forum of Pompeii. A, principal entrance; B, a Corinthian temple; C, the public prison (carcer publicus);…