"Certhiola flaveola. Honey Creeper. Dark brown above; long superciliary line and under parts dull white; breast, edging of wing, and rump, bright yellow; wings dusky, with a white spot at base of primaries, and whitish edging of the quills; tail dusky, tipped with white; bill and feet black; eyes blue." Elliot Coues, 1884

Honey Creeper

"Certhiola flaveola. Honey Creeper. Dark brown above; long superciliary line and under parts dull white;…

"Certhiola flaveola, the Sugar-bird, coloration varies from black, grey, or purplish, relieved by rufous and white, to brilliant blue, purple, or green, with the quills only black, or with further yellow, chestnut, and exceptionally scarlet, decorations. Uniform black, or olive and brown hues are unusual, save in females, which, however, are often bright green, with the addition of a little blue or yellow." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Certhiola flaveola, the Sugar-bird, coloration varies from black, grey, or purplish, relieved by rufous…