This illustration shows a stem of a plant. e; epidermis; s, stoma; p, palisade mesophyll; ch, chloroplast; sp, spongy mesophyll; i, intercellular spaces; v, small vein cut across; l, end of vein seen from the side, sonsisting of elongated and banded cells.


This illustration shows a stem of a plant. e; epidermis; s, stoma; p, palisade mesophyll; ch, chloroplast;…

"Diagrammatic representation of a single palisade cell, with chloroplasts lining the walls." -Stevens, 1916

Palisade Cell

"Diagrammatic representation of a single palisade cell, with chloroplasts lining the walls." -Stevens,…

Diagram of a mesophyll cell of a leaf: c, chloroplast; n, nucleus; v, vacuole; w, cell wall.

Plant Cell

Diagram of a mesophyll cell of a leaf: c, chloroplast; n, nucleus; v, vacuole; w, cell wall.