Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel driving drum D, which unwinds the spring E and allows the platform F to slide down the groove G; H, H, electromagnets connected with the first and second screen respectively (shown in small upper diagram)

Bashforth Chronograph

Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel…

The chronograph is used to register time.


The chronograph is used to register time.

A chronograph and switch-board.

Chronograph and Switch-board

A chronograph and switch-board.

A Memograph is a clock that is designed to make a loud sound at a specific time. The primary use of these clocks is to awaken people from their sleep in order to start their days in the mornings, but can also be used for short naps; they are sometimes used for other reminders as well.

Memograph Clock

A Memograph is a clock that is designed to make a loud sound at a specific time. The primary use of…