"Diagram showing the ear and related parts in a young cat. P., Pinna; Sq., squamosal: E.A.M., external…
Diagram of a section of a coil of the cochlea of the ear. Labels: C.C, canal of the cochlea; mR, its…
In this figure are shown the winding passages of the ear (the labyrinth of the ear). The middle part…
The cochlea in transverse section. Observe especially the canals of the cochlea, which is a part of…
A vertical section of the cochlea, highly magnified, to show the arrangement and connection of its parts.
Longitudinal section of the cochlea, showing the relations of the scalae, the ganglion spirale, ect.…
Section of one coil of the cochlea, magnified. Labels: SV, scala vestibuli; R, membrane of Reissner;…
Section through one of the coils of the cochlea. Labels: ST, scala tympani; SV, scala vestibuli; CC,…
The cochlea of the ear which is a spiral canal situated in the eburnated portion of the petrous bone,…
Vertical section through the right cochlea, medial portion, viewed from the lateral side.
"Section through right ear. 1, helix; 2, concha; 3, outer passage; 4, 5, 6, semi-circular canals; 7,…
Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, the external auditory canal;…
A diagram of the human ear. It is divided into the outer ear - A, middle ear - B, and inner ear - C.…
"Transverse Section through Side Walls of Skull, showing the Inner Parts of the Ear. Co, concha or external…
Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. Labels: M, concha; G, external auditory meatus; T,…
The osseous labyrinth in vertical section. The broken, white lines indicate the position of the basilar…