The combination of icositetrahedron and rhombic dodecahedron.

Combination of Icositetrahedron and Rhombic Dodecahedron

The combination of icositetrahedron and rhombic dodecahedron.

The combination of an icositetrahedron and a cube.

Combination of Icositetrahedron and Cube

The combination of an icositetrahedron and a cube.

The combination of an icositetrahedron and an octahedron.

Combination of Icosietetrahedron and Octahedron

The combination of an icositetrahedron and an octahedron.

The combination of tetrakis-hexahedron and cube.

Combination of Tetrakis-hexahedron and Cube

The combination of tetrakis-hexahedron and cube.

The combination of a cube and a triakis-octahedron.

Combination of Triakis-octahedron and cube

The combination of a cube and a triakis-octahedron.

"Suppose our volume of hydrogen to unite with the volume of chlorine; if one particle of hydrogen combines with one particle of chlorine, it is evident that we should have four pairs; that is four particles of hydrogen chloride. These four particles of hydrogen chloride would occupy the same volume as four particles of hydrogen, or of chlorine, since dqual numbers of particles of gases occupy equal spaces. We should then expect one volume of hydrogen chloride to be formed." -Brownlee 1907

Combinational Volume

"Suppose our volume of hydrogen to unite with the volume of chlorine; if one particle of hydrogen combines…

"When one volume of hydrogen actually unites with one volume of chlorine, two volumes and not one volume of hydrogen chloride result. the volume of the acid is twice that of the hydrogen. Each of these two volumes must, according to Avagadro's hypothesis, contain four particles of the acid, or eight in all, so that in the eight particles of the acid there must be eight particles of hydrogen and eight particles of chlorine." -Brownlee 1907

Combinational Volume

"When one volume of hydrogen actually unites with one volume of chlorine, two volumes and not one volume…

Holohedral orthorhombic combination

Crystal of Hypersthene

Holohedral orthorhombic combination

Represents the combination of a cube and an octahedron, with both faces being equal.


Represents the combination of a cube and an octahedron, with both faces being equal.

Represents the combination of an octahedron and a cube, with the octahedron predominate.

Octahedron in Combination with Cube

Represents the combination of an octahedron and a cube, with the octahedron predominate.