William Bainbridge was a Commodore in the United States Navy, notable for his victory over HMS Java…
Joshua Barney was a commodore in the United States Navy, born in Baltimore, Maryland, who served in…
(1779-1820) An American naval officer, famous for his actions at Tripoli, Libya in the Barbary Wars…
Isaac Hull (March 9, 1773 - February 13, 1843), was a Commodore in the United States Navy.
Isaac Hull (March 9, 1773 - February 13, 1843), was a Commodore in the United States Navy.
Commodore Jacob Jones (March 1768 - August 3, 1850) was an officer in the United States Navy during…
The Congressional Gold Medal awarded to Commodore Jacob Jones. an officer in the United States Navy…
John Rodgers was an American naval officer who served in the United States Navy from its organization…