The pheasant prefers wooded slopes or marshy plains. They eat grain, berries, worms and insects.


The pheasant prefers wooded slopes or marshy plains. They eat grain, berries, worms and insects.

"The Pheasant is one of the most highly prized game birds. The adult male pheasant is a beautiful bird, about three feet long. Head and neck deep steel-blue, shot with greenish-purple and brown; eye surrounded by a patch of scarlet skin, speckled with blue-black; ear-coverts brown; back a light golden-red, the feathers of the upper part tipped with velvet-black, the lower part marked with brown. Quill feathers brown, of various shades, tail feathers oaken-brown, barred with a darker shade and with black. Breast and front of the abdomen golden-red with purple reflections, feathers edged with black; rest of abdomen and under tail-coverts blackish-brown. The female has yellowish-brown plumage, and is about two feet in length. Such is the common pheasant. There are several other species."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The Pheasant is one of the most highly prized game birds. The adult male pheasant is a beautiful bird,…

"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring; while the former has the rump feathers buff, with black mottlings and purplish-red tips. The females, hardly separable from one another, lack the red face-wattles, the long ear-tufts, and the pair of spurs of a male." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring;…

English Pheasant. Common Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. Adult plumage: Maroon breast, orangey flanks, white ring round neck; tail brown with dark brownish barring, rump gray; green iridescent head with lighter tufts and a bare red face

English Pheasant

English Pheasant. Common Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. Adult plumage: Maroon breast, orangey flanks,…