"Diagrammatic horizontal section of the eye of man. c, cornea; ch. choroid (dotted); C. P, ciliary processes; e. c, epithelium of cornea; e. cj, conjunctiva; f. c, yellow spot; I, iris; L, lens; ON, optic nerve; OS, ora serrata; o-x, optic axis; p. c. R, anterior non-visual portion of retina; P. E, pigmented epithelium (black); R, retina; sp. l, suspensory ligament; Scl, sclerotic; V. H, vitreous body." -Parker, 1900

Human Eye

"Diagrammatic horizontal section of the eye of man. c, cornea; ch. choroid (dotted); C. P, ciliary processes;…

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic and cornea; 3, cornea; 4, 5, conjunctiva; 7, ciliary muscle; 10, choroid; 11, 13, ciliary processes; 14, iris; 15, retina; 16, optic nerve; 17, artery entering retina in optic nerve; 18, fovea centralis; 19, 20, region where sensory part of retina ends; 22, suspensory ligament; 24, the anterior part of the hyaloid membrane; 26, the lends; 29, vitreous humor; 30, aqueous humor.

The Eyeball in Horizontal Section

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic…

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic and cornea; 3, cornea; 4,5, conjunctiva; 6, posterior elastic layer of cornea; 7, ciliary muscle; 10, choroid; 11,13, ciliary processes; 14, iris; 15, retina; 16, optic nerve; 17, artery entering retina in optic nerve; 18, fovea centralis; 19, region where sensory part of retina ends; 22, suspensory ligament; 23 is placed in the canal of Petit, and the line from 25 points to it; 24, the anterior part of the hyaloid membrane; 26, 27, 28, are placed on the lends; 28 points to the line of attachment around it of the suspensory ligament; 29, vitreous humor; 30, anterior chamber of aqueous humor; 31, posterior chamber of aqueous humor.

Section of Left Eyeball

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic…