A skeleton of a cow shown to illustrate the internal skeleton which all vertebrates share. Labels: 1, Frontal bone of the head. 2, Upper jaw (superior maxillary). 3. Lower jaw (inferior maxillary). 4, Cervical vertebrae. 5, Dorsal vertebrae. 6, Lumbar vertebrae. 7 Sacral vertebrae. 8, Caudal vertebrae. 9; Scapula. 10, Humerus. 11, Radius and ulna. 12, Carpus. 13, Metacarpus. 14, Phalanges (toes). 15, Femur. 16, Tibia. 17, Tarsus. 18, Metatarsus. 19, Phalanges.

Skeleton of a Cow

A skeleton of a cow shown to illustrate the internal skeleton which all vertebrates share. Labels: 1,…