The spikes of the Crested Dog's Tail Grass (Cynosurus cristatus) are simple and its spikelets awnless. The stem is grows to one foot high and is stiff and smooth. The root is perennial, fibrous and tufted. It grows on dry, hard soils and hills and flowers in July.

Crested Dog's Tail

The spikes of the Crested Dog's Tail Grass (Cynosurus cristatus) are simple and its spikelets awnless.…

The spikes of the Crested Dog's Tail Grass (Cynosurus cristatus) are simple and its spikelets awnless. The stem is grows to one foot high and is stiff and smooth. The root is perennial, fibrous and tufted. It grows on dry, hard soils and hills and flowers in July. This shows the spikelet magnified.

Crested Dog's Tail

The spikes of the Crested Dog's Tail Grass (Cynosurus cristatus) are simple and its spikelets awnless.…