"Goura coronata, the Crowned Pigeon, discovered by Dampier in 1699, is bluish-slate -coloured, with darker wings, and some black on the chin and side of the head; a broad chestnut band crossing the back, one of white shewing conspicuously on the wing, and one of grey terminating the tail." A. H. Evans, 1900

Crowned Pigeon

"Goura coronata, the Crowned Pigeon, discovered by Dampier in 1699, is bluish-slate -coloured, with…

"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan, quite erroneously asserted to have occurred in England. The colour is black with exception of a red head, while the feathering extends down two-thirds of the metatarsus in front." A. H. Evans, 1900 Distinction between the male and the female can be seen on the crown. The male's is entirely red, while the female's shows just a touch of red on the tip.

The Great Black Woodpecker

"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan,…