"Folium of Descartes, with its asymptote. The equation is (4-y)(y-1)<sup>2</sup> = 3x<sup>2</sup>y ... In geometry, a plane cubic curve having a crunode, and one real inflexion, which lies at infinity.

Folium of Descartes

"Folium of Descartes, with its asymptote. The equation is (4-y)(y-1)2 = 3x2y ... In geometry, a plane…

"Nodal Cubic, with four primary lines and their satellite. In the diagram, ABC is the satellite line. From its intersections with the cubic curve tangents are drawn to the latter, AD, AE, BF, BG, CH, CI. The points of tangency lie three by three on four primary lines, FDH, DGI, EGH, FEI." -Whitney, 1911


"Nodal Cubic, with four primary lines and their satellite. In the diagram, ABC is the satellite line.…