"The War in Virginia. Capture of three Confederate guns, near Culpepper, by General Custer's cavalry brigade, September 14th, 1863. Our sketch represents General Custer's brilliant capture of Confederate cannon near Culpepper. General Pleasonton, on the 14th of September, 1863, drove the Confederates back on Culpepper, and General Custer with his brigade came up with Stuart's horse artillery, which he charged twice, himself at the head, and the second time took guns, limbers, horses and men. His horse was killed by a round shot, which wounded the general in the leg and killed a bugler behind him. Our artist gives a spirited view of this brilliant affair which cannot fail to be of interest."— Frank Leslie, 1896

War in Virginia

"The War in Virginia. Capture of three Confederate guns, near Culpepper, by General Custer's cavalry…