"A, cross section through upper half of leaf of Pyrus Japonica, showing cutinized layer of the outer wall at f, and cellulose layer at g." -Stevens, 1916

P. Japonica Epidermis

"A, cross section through upper half of leaf of Pyrus Japonica, showing cutinized layer of the outer…

"Two epidermal cells in cross section showing thickened outer wall differentiated into three layers, namely, an outer cuticle, cutinized layer (shaded), and an inner cellulose layer." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Epidermis

"Two epidermal cells in cross section showing thickened outer wall differentiated into three layers,…

A cross section through the upper half of a Russian olive leaf, showing a "cutinized layer of the outer wall at f, and cellulose layer at g." -Stevens, 1916

Russian Olive Leaf Epidermis

A cross section through the upper half of a Russian olive leaf, showing a "cutinized layer of the outer…