"A cycloid is the curve generated by the motion of a point on the circumference of a circle rolled along a straight line." —French, 1911


"A cycloid is the curve generated by the motion of a point on the circumference of a circle rolled along…

An illustration showing how to construct a cycloid. "The circumference C=3.14D. Divide the rolling circle and base line C into a number of equal parts, draw through the division point the ordinates and abscissas, make aa' = 1d, bb' = 2'e, cc = 3f, then ab' and c' are points in the cycloid. In the Epicycloid and Hypocycloid the abscissas are circles and the ordinates are radii to one common center."

Construction Of A Cycloid

An illustration showing how to construct a cycloid. "The circumference C=3.14D. Divide the rolling circle…

Epicycloid is generated by a circle rolled outside of another circle, whereas a hypocycloid is circle rolled inside another circle.

Epicycloid and Hypocycloid

Epicycloid is generated by a circle rolled outside of another circle, whereas a hypocycloid is circle…

"Cycloid scale of Scopelus resplendens." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Cycloid scale of Scopelus resplendens." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Cycloid scale of Gobius ommaturus." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Cycloid scale of Gobius ommaturus." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Cycloid scale from the lateral line of Odax linealus." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Cycloid scale from the lateral line of Odax linealus." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893