"Four and a half feet long and three high. The general color is a deep red, and underr parts being white.…
"The only kind of antilope found on this continent. It differs from all the other members of the tribe…
A species of deer found in the northern parts of Europe and Asia. It has branched, recurved, round antlers,…
"Is perhaps the most graceful and the most beautifully varied in its colors, of all the antilope. imagination…
"Argent, a stag at gaze proper. GAZE. An intent look. This is said of a deer standing still, and turning…
"The annexed cut represents the horns of the stag at different ages. During the first year, there is…
"Argent, a stag proper, tripping. TRIPPING. The motion of deer, between running and walking." -Hall,…
Hart at Gaze. The deer standing at gaze (facing the viewer) shows the statant guardant attitude of a…
The teapoy is a type of container used to store tea during the 19th century. This teapoy is lavishly…