The skeleton of the dog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal, 2; c, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 2; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial Bones- f, nasal, 2; e, lachrymal, 2; d, malar, 2; h, maxilla, 2; g, premaxilla, 2. Teeth: incisors, 12; canines, 4; molars, 26. The trunk- l, cervical vertebrae, 7; m, dorsal vertebrea, 13; n, lumbar vertebrae, 7; o, sacrum (three segments), 1; p, coccygeal phalanges (variable), 20; t, ribs, 26; * sternum (eight sternebrae), 1. Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Limb. u, scapula, 2; v, humerus, 2; w, radius, 2; x, ulna. Carpus: y, trapezium, 2; z cuneiform, 2; a', scaphoid, 2; b', unciform, 2; c', magnum, 2; d', trapezoid, 2; e', pisiform,2; metacarpal bones, 10; h', anterior sesamoids, 10; g' posterior sesamoids, 20. Digits- i' proximal phalanges, 10; k', median phalanges, 8; l', distal phalanges, 10; small sesamoids wanting. Pelvic Limb. Pelvis: q, ilium, 2; r, pubis, 2; s, ischium, 2. The limb-m', femur, 2; o', fabellae, 4; n', patella, 2; q', tibia, 2; p', tibial sesamoid, 2; r', fibula, 2. Tarsus: s', calcaneum, 2; t', astragalus, 2; u', cuboid, 2; v', superior cuneiform, 2; w', ectocuneiforme, 2; x', mesocuneiforme, 2; y', edocuneiforme, 2. Metatarsus: large bones, 8; z',small bones, 2; anterior sesamoids, 8; posterior sesamoids, 16. Digit: proximal phalanges, 8; median phalanges, 8; distal phalanges, 8; small sesamoids wanting. Visceral Skeleton. Os Penis, 1; Rudimentary clavicle (inconstant), 2. The bones of the Carnivora Skeleton, thus considered, are 345.

Skeleton of a Dog

The skeleton of the dog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2;…