"Skull of Cat (Felis catus), showing the following bones, viz. : na, nasal; pm, premaxillary; m, maxillary; l, lacrymal; f, frontal; j, jugal; pa, palatine; p, parietal; sq, squamosal; ip, interparietal; so, supra-occipital; eo, exoccipital (the line leads to the occipital condyle); t, tympanic bulla; smf, stylomastoid foramen; mf, mental foramen; c, coronoid process of mandible; ar, ascending ramus of mandible; hr, horizontal ramus of mandible; an, angle of jaw." -Whitney, 1911

Domestic Cat Skull

"Skull of Cat (Felis catus), showing the following bones, viz. : na, nasal; pm, premaxillary; m, maxillary;…