"The drag is a useful, light three-pronged tool which may be used for loosening the soil amongst vegetable crops as well as flower garden plants, and may also be sometimes employed, if the tines are sufficiently narrow and pointed, to drag off weeds from the surface." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The drag is a useful, light three-pronged tool which may be used for loosening the soil amongst vegetable…

Diagram illustrating drag of strata along a fault plane.


Diagram illustrating drag of strata along a fault plane.

In agriculture, a set of harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. In this way it is distinct in its effect from the plough, which is used for deeper cultivation. Harrowing is often carried out on fields to follow the rough finish left by ploughing operations. The purpose of this harrowing is generally to break up clods and lumps of soil and to provide a finer finish, and a good soil structure that is suitable for seeding and planting operations. Coarser harrowing is used to remove weeds and to cover seeds after sowing.

Ground Attachment Harrow

In agriculture, a set of harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. In this way…

Reynard the Fox and Isegrim the wolf fight each other. Reynard outsmarts him and knocks him down.

Reynard the Fox: Reynard's Victory

Reynard the Fox and Isegrim the wolf fight each other. Reynard outsmarts him and knocks him down.