"Draw three-inch square. Draw lines AB, BC, DE and EF at 30 degrees. Divide lower side into seven equal parts with the dividers. Draw the vertical lines, and mark divisions on AC with pencil as each line is drawn. Through the division points on top and bottom draw the converging lines using the triangle alone as a straight-edge." —French, 1911

Drawing Converging Lines

"Draw three-inch square. Draw lines AB, BC, DE and EF at 30 degrees. Divide lower side into seven equal…

"Through the center of the space draw a horizontal and a vertical line, measuring on these lines as diameters lay off a three-inch square. Along the lower side and the upper half of the left side measure 3/8' spaces with the scale. Draw all horizontal lines with the T-square and all vertical lines with the T-square and triangle." —French, 1911

Drawing Exercise for T-square, Triangle, and Scale

"Through the center of the space draw a horizontal and a vertical line, measuring on these lines as…

Parallel lines are drawn by using a triangle in combination with a T-square. To draw a line parallel to the one given, place a triangle against the T-square and move them together until the hypotenuse of the triangle matches the line. Hold the T-square firmly and slide the triangle in the direction of the arrow until the desired position of the parallel line is reached.

Drawing Parallel Lines Exercise

Parallel lines are drawn by using a triangle in combination with a T-square. To draw a line parallel…

Lines perpendicular to each other may be drawn by using a triangle in combination with the T-square. To draw a line perpendicular to a given line place a triangle against the T-square and move them together until the hypotenuse of the triangle matches the line. Turn the triangle on its right angled corner until the perpendicular line can be drawn on the hypotenuse of the triangle.

Drawing Perpendicular Lines Exercise

Lines perpendicular to each other may be drawn by using a triangle in combination with the T-square.…