Drosera rotundifolia is a carnivorous plant. Each stem has five to twelve flowers. The flowers are white and expand in the sunshine.

Drosera Rotundifolia

Drosera rotundifolia is a carnivorous plant. Each stem has five to twelve flowers. The flowers are white…

The Sundews (Drosera rotundifolia) comprise one of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, with over 170 species. These members of the family Droseraceae lure, capture, and digest insects using stalked mucilaginous glands covering their leaf surface.


The Sundews (Drosera rotundifolia) comprise one of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, with over…

"Blade of leaf of sundew." -Bergen, 1896

Sundew Leaf

"Blade of leaf of sundew." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the right has only half of them thus closed." -Bergen, 1896

Sundew Leaves

"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the…

"Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)." -Bergen, 1896

Round-Leaf Sundew

"Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)." -Bergen, 1896