"Dafila. Pin-tail Ducks. Tail (in adult male) narrow, cuneate, when fully developed nearly as long as…
"Camptolaemus labradorius. Labrador Duck. Pied Duck. Adult male: Bill black with orange at base and…
Biziura lobata, (Musk Duck) of Tasmania and Australia -except the north-is brown with buff mottlings,…
"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base,…
"Dafila acuta. Pin-tail Duck. Sprig-tail. Bill black, with grayish-blue edge of upper mandible; feet…
"Somateri mollissima. Somateri dresseri. Common Eider. Bill gibbous at base of upper mandible; outline…
A girl outside with the geese. Story Problem: The girl is feeding 4 geese. 3 more geese join the group.…
Turner painted this picture displaying his incredible techniques with watercolors. It can now be found…
The loon is a diving bird that finds its food under the water. It will dip its bill into the water and…
"A fine old hen some ducks and chickens hatch'd, / And with a mother's care their safety watch'd; /…
"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…
"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…
"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…
Reynard the Fox and his nephew, Grimbard the badger, walk to court together. Reynard is tempted by the…
"A duck, Fuligula or Fulix marila and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North…
"Oidemia americana. American Black Scoter. Sea Coot. Adult male: Plumage entirely black, less glossy…
Melanitta americana or Œdemia nigra A large sea-duck of the genus CEdemia, belonging to the subfamily…
Outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams,…
Solutions for outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram…
Silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces.…
Solutions for silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from…
"Querquedula (N.) carolinensis. American Green-winged Teal. Bill black; feet bluish-gray: iris brown.…