A well-known water fowl.


A well-known water fowl.

"Dafila. Pin-tail Ducks. Tail (in adult male) narrow, cuneate, when fully developed nearly as long as wing, the 2 central feathers long-exserted, linear-acute: in female and young the tail merely tapering, with acute feathers; tail-feathers 16, including the long middle pair. Bill shorter than head, longer than tarsus, nearly parallel sided, widening a little to the end, the nail small, the narrow nostrils high up in basal third of bill. Feathers of cheeks sweeping in strongly convex outline along side of upper mandible, beyond those on side of lower mandible. Wing acute, the 1st and 2d primaries subequal and longest, rest rapidly graduated. Neck unusually long and slender, and form less "stocky" than that of most ducks. Sexes and young very unlike in color, even to the wing-markings, as well as in shape of tail. Bill and feet dark. Under parts white or whitish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pin-tail Duck Head

"Dafila. Pin-tail Ducks. Tail (in adult male) narrow, cuneate, when fully developed nearly as long as…

"Camptolaemus labradorius. Labrador Duck. Pied Duck. Adult male: Bill black with orange at base and along edges, and grayish-blue along the ridge; iris reddish-brown; feet grayish-blue, with dusky webs and claws. Head and upper neck white, with a longitudinal black stripe on the crown and nape. Neck below ringed with black continuous with that of upper parts, then half-collared with white continuous with that of scapulars. Below, from this white, entirely black, excepting white axillars and lining of wings. Above, black, except as said; the wing-coverts and secondaries white, some of the latter margined with black; some of the long scapulars pearly-gray; primaries and their coverts and tail-feathers brownish-black. Female: Bill, eyes, and tail-feathers brownish-black. Bill, eyes, and feet as in male; several secondaries white, forming a speculum, but no white on wing-coverts or scapulars; axillars and lining of wings mostly white; inner secondaries edged with black; general color dappled brownish-gray, paler and more ashy or plumbeous on wing-coverts and inner secondaries." Elliot Coues, 1884

Labrador Duck

"Camptolaemus labradorius. Labrador Duck. Pied Duck. Adult male: Bill black with orange at base and…

Biziura lobata, (Musk Duck) of Tasmania and Australia -except the north-is brown with buff mottlings, the bill and its leathery appendage being greenish-black and the feet dusky. The smaller female has less chin lobe." A. H. Evans

Two Musk Ducks Swimming between the Tall Grass in a Lake

Biziura lobata, (Musk Duck) of Tasmania and Australia -except the north-is brown with buff mottlings,…

"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base, black ridge, tip, and under mandible; iris and edges of eyelids red; feet orange, with black claws. Upper part of the head, including crest, glistening green and purple; a narrow white line over eye from bill to occiput, and another behind eye to nape, these white lines mixing in the crest. A broad white patch on the throat, forking behind, one branch mounting head behind eye, the other passing to side of neck. Sides and front of lower neck and fore breast rich purplish-chestnut, prettily marked with several chain of angular white spots. A large white black-edged crescent of enlarged feathers in front of the wing. Under parts pure white, the sides yellowish-gray vermiculated with black and white wavy bars; the enlarged flank-feathers broadly rayed with black and white; the lining of the wings white barred with grayish-brown, of which color is the crissum. Upper parts generally lustrous with bronzy-green and purple; scapulars and inner secondaries velvet-black, glassed with purple and green; a green speculum, succeeded by white tips of the secondaries; primaries frosted on outer webs near end. Adult female: Little or no crest, but lengthened feathers on nape; no enlargement or special colorings of feathers about the wings. Bill dusky: feet yellowish-dusky. Head and neck gray, darker on crown, the chin and parts about bill and eyes white. Fore neck, breast and sides of body yellowish-brown, mottled with dark gray, the breast spotted with brown, the belly white. Upper parts dark brown with considerable gloss; wings as in the male, but the velvety-black reduced." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wood Duck

"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base,…

Ducklings looking at a frog


Ducklings looking at a frog

Ducks swimming in the water.


Ducks swimming in the water.

"Dafila acuta. Pin-tail Duck. Sprig-tail. Bill black, with grayish-blue edge of upper mandible; feet grayish-blue; claws black; iris brown. Head and neck above rich dark brown, glossed with green and purple; side of neck with a long white stripe running up from the white under parts; back of neck with a black stripe passing below into the gray color of the back; the lower fore-neck, breast, and under parts usually, white, the sides finely waved with black, the crissum black, white-bordered. Fore back finely waved with narrow bars of black and white or whitish; the scapulars and long tertiaries firmly striped lengthwise with velvety-black and silvery-gray. Lesser wing-coverts plain gray; greater tipped with reddish-buff, framing the speculum anteriorly; this is of coppery-or purplish-violet iridescence, framed posteriorly with black sub-tips and white tips of the secondaries, internally with silvery and black stripes. Tail-feathers gray, the long central ones blackish; sides and roots of tail varied with blackish and buff. It is thus a very handsome duck in full plumage, aside from the trim and clipper-like build." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pin-tail Ducks

"Dafila acuta. Pin-tail Duck. Sprig-tail. Bill black, with grayish-blue edge of upper mandible; feet…

Seven ducks swimming

Seven Ducks

Seven ducks swimming

"Somateri mollissima. Somateri dresseri. Common Eider. Bill gibbous at base of upper mandible; outline of culmen variously curved; with long, acute or clubbed, tumid process extending in line with culmen variously curved; with long, acute or clubbed tumid process extending in line with culmen on each side of forehead, divided by extension of feathers on culmen. feathers of side of bill advancing to about under nostrils, far beyond those on culmen. No speculum. Male no black marks on chin. (mollissima - Frontal processes short, narrow, acute, parallel. Smaller.). (dresseri - Frontal processes long, broad, clubbed, divergent. Larger.)." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Bill of an Eider

"Somateri mollissima. Somateri dresseri. Common Eider. Bill gibbous at base of upper mandible; outline…

A girl outside with the geese. Story Problem: The girl is feeding 4 geese. 3 more geese join the group. How many geese will the girl be feeding now?

Girl and Geese

A girl outside with the geese. Story Problem: The girl is feeding 4 geese. 3 more geese join the group.…

Girl outside with ducks

Girl with Ducks

Girl outside with ducks

Gulliver at six inches with farm animals, compared to a giant's foot.

Six Inch Man and Horse

Gulliver at six inches with farm animals, compared to a giant's foot.

Turner painted this picture displaying his incredible techniques with watercolors. It can now be found in the National Gallery.

Ivy Bridge

Turner painted this picture displaying his incredible techniques with watercolors. It can now be found…

Building and duck pond at the London Zoological Gardens, 1845.

London: Zoological Gardens

Building and duck pond at the London Zoological Gardens, 1845.

The loon is a diving bird that finds its food under the water. It will dip its bill into the water and perhaps its whole body to find prey.


The loon is a diving bird that finds its food under the water. It will dip its bill into the water and…

"A fine old hen some ducks and chickens hatch'd, / And with a mother's care their safety watch'd; / But soon the ducklings caused her much affright, / They find a stream, and swim off out of sight."—Barber, 1857

Nature Will Out

"A fine old hen some ducks and chickens hatch'd, / And with a mother's care their safety watch'd; /…

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy, though forming no crest. Bill broad and flattened, a little widened toward end, running into the forehead which arches abruptly over and away from it, not rising gradually into line with forehead; shorter or not longer than head, 2 inches or less in length along culmen, the nostrils within its basal half; the forward end of nostril about 2/5 the way from upper corner to end of bill. Bill dull blue with a black belt at the end. Iris orange. Feet dull grayish-blue, with dusky webs and black claws. Head and neck all around rich pure chestnut, not obscured with dusky-brown, but with bronzy or coppery red reflections. Lower neck and fore parts of body above and below, with rump and tail-coverts above and below, blackish. Back mixed whitish and blackish in about equal amounts, the dark wavy lines distinct and unbroken. Sides of the body under the wings vermiculated much like the back, the undulations subsiding in the grayish-white of the middle under parts. Wing-coverts ashy-gray, minutely dotted with white; speculum hoary-ash, bordered internally with black; lining of wings mostly white. Female: Bill obscured bluish, with black belt near end; iris yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Large Redhead

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy, though forming no crest. Bill broad and flattened, a little widened toward end, running into the forehead which arches abruptly over and away from it, not rising gradually into line with forehead; shorter or not longer than head, 2 inches or less in length along culmen, the nostrils within its basal half; the forward end of nostril about 2/5 the way from upper corner to end of bill. Bill dull blue with a black belt at the end. Iris orange. Feet dull grayish-blue, with dusky webs and black claws. Head and neck all around rich pure chestnut, not obscured with dusky-brown, but with bronzy or coppery red reflections. Lower neck and fore parts of body above and below, with rump and tail-coverts above and below, blackish. Back mixed whitish and blackish in about equal amounts, the dark wavy lines distinct and unbroken. Sides of the body under the wings vermiculated much like the back, the undulations subsiding in the grayish-white of the middle under parts. Wing-coverts ashy-gray, minutely dotted with white; speculum hoary-ash, bordered internally with black; lining of wings mostly white. Female: Bill obscured bluish, with black belt near end; iris yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Redhead

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy, though forming no crest. Bill broad and flattened, a little widened toward end, running into the forehead which arches abruptly over and away from it, not rising gradually into line with forehead; shorter or not longer than head, 2 inches or less in length along culmen, the nostrils within its basal half; the forward end of nostril about 2/5 the way from upper corner to end of bill. Bill dull blue with a black belt at the end. Iris orange. Feet dull grayish-blue, with dusky webs and black claws. Head and neck all around rich pure chestnut, not obscured with dusky-brown, but with bronzy or coppery red reflections. Lower neck and fore parts of body above and below, with rump and tail-coverts above and below, blackish. Back mixed whitish and blackish in about equal amounts, the dark wavy lines distinct and unbroken. Sides of the body under the wings vermiculated much like the back, the undulations subsiding in the grayish-white of the middle under parts. Wing-coverts ashy-gray, minutely dotted with white; speculum hoary-ash, bordered internally with black; lining of wings mostly white. Female: Bill obscured bluish, with black belt near end; iris yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…

Reynard the Fox and his nephew, Grimbard the badger, walk to court together. Reynard is tempted by the ducks and geese nearby.

Reynard the Fox: Walking with Grimbard

Reynard the Fox and his nephew, Grimbard the badger, walk to court together. Reynard is tempted by the…

"A duck, <i>Fuligula</i> or <i>Fulix marila</i> and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North America. It is from 18 to 20 inches long, and from 30 to 35 in extent of wings." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>In this illustration the duck is sitting on placid water, its feet tucked up underneath its body. Its head and upper body is dark, while its belly is white. There is a tree line in the distance.

Scaup, a Common Duck

"A duck, Fuligula or Fulix marila and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North…

"Oidemia americana. American Black Scoter. Sea Coot. Adult male: Plumage entirely black, less glossy and jetty below than above, grayish on the inner webs of the quills. Iris brown. Feet blackish. Young male resembling the female. Female: Sooty-brown, paler below, becoming grayish-white on belly, there dusky-speckled, on sides and flanks dusky-waved; throat and sides of head mostly continuous whitish, not in special spots; bill blackish, not bulging; feet livid olivaceous with black webs." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black Scoter

"Oidemia americana. American Black Scoter. Sea Coot. Adult male: Plumage entirely black, less glossy…

<i>Melanitta americana or &OElig;demia nigra</i> A large sea-duck of the genus <i>CEdemia</i>, belonging to the subfamily <i>Fuligulinaea</i>, having in the male the plumage black and a red gibbosity of the bill, as <i>&OElig;demia nigra</i> of Europe.
<p>In this illustration, the duck is swimming in a large body of water. There is a lighthouse in the background.

A Black Scoter Swimming

Melanitta americana or Œdemia nigra A large sea-duck of the genus CEdemia, belonging to the subfamily…

Scene from the story, "Simple Simon."

Simple Simon Hunting

Scene from the story, "Simple Simon."

Outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Birds Outline Tangram Card

Outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams,…

Solutions for outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Birds Outline Solution Tangram Card

Solutions for outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram…

Silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Birds Silhouette Tangram Card

Silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces.…

Solutions for silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Birds Silhouette Solution Tangram Card

Solutions for silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from…

"Querquedula (N.) carolinensis. American Green-winged Teal. Bill black; feet bluish-gray: iris brown. A white crescent in front of wing. Head and upper neck rich chestnut, blackening on chin, with a glossy green patch behind each eye blackening on its lower border and on the nape where it meets its fellow among the lengthened feathers of the parts, bordered below by a more or less evident whitish line, which may often be traced to the angle of the mouth. Upper parts and flanks waved with narrow black bars on a whitish ground. Under parts white, becoming, becoming buff or fawn-colored on breast, nebulated with gray, on the breast with numerous sharp circular black spots; fore neck and sides of breast waved like the upper parts. Crissum black, with a buff or creamy patch on each side. Primaries and wing-coverts leaden gray; speculum velvety purplish-black on outer half, the inner half rich green; bordered in front with chestnut, fawn or whitish tips of the greater coverts, behind by white tips of secondaries, interiorly with purplish-black stripes on the outer webs of the lengthened secondaries." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Green-winged Teal

"Querquedula (N.) carolinensis. American Green-winged Teal. Bill black; feet bluish-gray: iris brown.…

Two boys walking together looking at a boy speaking, standing near ducks.

Three Boys

Two boys walking together looking at a boy speaking, standing near ducks.

A scene from "The Ugly Duckling."

Ugly Duckling

A scene from "The Ugly Duckling."

A scene from "The Ugly Duckling."

Ugly Duckling

A scene from "The Ugly Duckling."

Scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

Ugly Duckling

Scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

Scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

Ugly Duckling

Scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

A scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

The Ugly Duckling

A scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

A scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

The Ugly Duckling

A scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

A scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."

The Ugly Duckling

A scene from the story, "The Ugly Duckling."