Bones of the ear: Malleus, Incus and Orbiculare, Stapes. The bones of the area are connected with each other in the drum and serve to transmit vibrations of the membrane of the tympanum to the internal ear. They are very hard and brittle, with no cartilage on their articular surfaces like other bones.

Bones of the Ear

Bones of the ear: Malleus, Incus and Orbiculare, Stapes. The bones of the area are connected with each…

General sectional view of the structure of the ear. Labels: a, the meatus auditorius externus; b, the tympanum; c, the malleus; d, the incus, e, the os orbiculare; f, the stapes; g, the semicircular canals; h, the cochlea; i, the meatus auditorius internus; k, the eustachian tube.

Sectional View of the Ear

General sectional view of the structure of the ear. Labels: a, the meatus auditorius externus; b, the…

Structure of the ear.

Structure of the Ear

Structure of the ear.