"The long white linen vestment worn in early times by all ecclesiastics at divine service. It differed from the more modern surplice, which is only a modification of it, in having narrower sleeves. At the foot and wrists were embroidered ornaments called apparels." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"The long white linen vestment worn in early times by all ecclesiastics at divine service. It differed…

An illustration of a brass monument erected in honor of an Ecclesiastic.

Brass Monument

An illustration of a brass monument erected in honor of an Ecclesiastic.

Félix Antoine Philibert Dupanloup (January 3, 1802 – October 11, 1878) was a French ecclesiastic. In ecclesiastical policy his views were moderate. Both before and during the First Vatican Council, he opposed the definition of the dogma of papal infallibility as inopportune, but after the definition was among the first to accept the dogma. Dupanloup died on October 11, 1878, at the château of La Combe-de-Lancey.

Félix Antoine Philibert Dupanloup

Félix Antoine Philibert Dupanloup (January 3, 1802 – October 11, 1878) was a French ecclesiastic.…