A pair of golden orioles with their nest and eggs.

Golden Oriole

A pair of golden orioles with their nest and eggs.

"Section through ovary of a young Mammal. The eggs (o) are seen to be formed from the epithelium. c, connective tissue of ovary; e, epithelium; f, follicle of epithelial cells in which the ova ripen; o, ova in different stages of ripeness." — Galloway


"Section through ovary of a young Mammal. The eggs (o) are seen to be formed from the epithelium. c,…

A female python guarding her clutch of eggs.

Python and eggs

A female python guarding her clutch of eggs.

"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural size); 3, fly, enlarged (wings on one side detached); 4, larva; 5, fly with wings closed; 6, larva curled up; 7, coccoon; 8, antenna; 9, egg. (4, 5, 6, and 7 natural size; 8 and 9 enlarged.)" -Whitney, 1911

Strawberry Sawfly

"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural…

The common skylark is a small bird of the passerine family Alaudidae. In all larks, the first toe has a very long, straight claw; the wings are long and pointed, as are also the inner secondaries of the wing. The skylark (A. arvensis) prefers open districts. It nests on the ground and lays spotted eggs.

Common Skylark

The common skylark is a small bird of the passerine family Alaudidae. In all larks, the first toe has…

"The strawberry weevil in certain seasons has prevented the development of more than a half crop of berries in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Virginia. The eggs are deposited in the flower buds, upon which the grublike larva feed and attain full size in about a month." —Davison, 1906

Strawberry Weevil

"The strawberry weevil in certain seasons has prevented the development of more than a half crop of…

An illustration of a woman standing by a fence holding an egg.

Woman Holding Egg

An illustration of a woman standing by a fence holding an egg.