Euglena viridis is a species of unicellular protists in the Euglenaceae family of flagellate organisms.


Euglena viridis is a species of unicellular protists in the Euglenaceae family of flagellate organisms.

"A, Euglena viridis, a flagellate Infusorian. I, typical swimming condition; 2, somewhat contracted; 3, spherical resting condition; 4, encysted stage in which fission has taken place. c, cyst; f, flagellum; n, nucleus; o, mouth; p.v., pulsating vacuole; sp, pigment spot. B, Podophrya, a stalked Infusorian bearing tentacles (t). p, Infusorian captured for food; s, stalk." -Galloway, 1915

Euglena Viridis

"A, Euglena viridis, a flagellate Infusorian. I, typical swimming condition; 2, somewhat contracted;…

"Euglena viridis. A-D, four views illustrating euglenoid movements; E and H, enlarged views; F, anterior end further enlarged; G, resting form after binary fission; c. vac, contractile vacuole in H, reservoir in E and F; cy, cyst; fl, flagellum; m, mouth; nu, nucleus; oes, gullet; p, paramylum bodies; pg, pigment spot; r (in H), reservoir." -Parker, 1900

Euglena Viridis

"Euglena viridis. A-D, four views illustrating euglenoid movements; E and H, enlarged views; F, anterior…