This diagram shows the eyelids and the tear-glands. The eyelid is a thin fold of skin and muscle that covers and protects the eye. The tear-glands are in charge of keeping moisture in our eyes.


This diagram shows the eyelids and the tear-glands. The eyelid is a thin fold of skin and muscle that…

A vertical section of the upper eyelid.


A vertical section of the upper eyelid.

Vertical section through the upper eyelid. Labels: a, Skin; b, Orbicularis palpebrarum; b', Marginal fasciculus of Orbicularis (ciliary bundle); c, Levator palpebrae; d, Conjuctiva; e, Tarsal plate; f, Meibomian gland; g, Sebaceous gland; h, Eyelashes; i, Small hairs of skin; j, Sweat glands; k, Accessory lacrimal glands.

Vertical Section Through Eyelid

Vertical section through the upper eyelid. Labels: a, Skin; b, Orbicularis palpebrarum; b', Marginal…