John Adams Dix, of New York, was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. He sent Mr. Jones to New Orleans with an order to Captain Breshwood, commanding the revenue-cutter at that port, to sail to New York. The captain was a secessionist and proposed to turn the vessel over to the Confederates, whereupon Secretary Dix sent this dispatch: "If any man attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot!"

Fac-smile of General John A. Dix's Dispatch

John Adams Dix, of New York, was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. He sent Mr. Jones to New Orleans…

"A torch. In the annexed woodcut, the female figure is copied from a fictile vase. The winged figure on the left hand, asleep and leaning on a torch, is from a funeral monument at Rome. The other winged figure represents Cupid as Lethaus Amor. In ancient marbles the torch is sometimes more ornamened than the examples now produced, but it always appears to be formed of wooden staves or twigs, either bound by a rope drawn round them in a spiral form, as in the middle figure blow, or surrounded by circular bands at equal distances, as in the two exterior figures. The inside of the torch may be supposed to have been filled with flax, tow, or other vegetable fibres, the whole being abundantly impregnated with pitch, rosin, wax, oil, and other inflammable substances." — Smith, 1873.


"A torch. In the annexed woodcut, the female figure is copied from a fictile vase. The winged figure…

Telegraphy is the long distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters. A telegraph is a device for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances.

The Inner Workings of Telegraphy

Telegraphy is the long distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters.…