The acrostichum peltatum fern has long fronds that are slender and creeping. This fern needs a liberal…
Adiantum is commonly known as maidenhair. The capillus-veneris daphnite variety is dark brown and ranges…
Adiantum decorum, commonly known as maidenhair, is a tropical and temperate fern. The decorum variety…
The fronds on the adiantum diaphanum fern ranges from four to eight inches in height with long slender…
Adiantum luddemannianum has clustered leaves that are deep green. The fern branches out about a third…
The adiantum pedatum variety of maidenhair has one to three branches at the base an is between nine…
A popular fern with variagated fronds that are straw-colored. It thrives on acidic soil.
The alsophila aculeata fern, or the prickly aculeata fern, has fronds with leaves that divide in three.…
Alsohpila Rebeccae, or Alsophila Rebecca, is a slender fern reaching eight feet in height. The leaves…
A genus of the plants known as liverworts. The body is a simple flat thallus and produces a slender…
A genus of the plants known as liverworts. The body is a simple flat thallus and produces a slender…
A four-eared fern with fronds ranging between 6 inches and 3 feet in length. They are commonly found…
The common name of asplenium is spleenwort. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum is known as black spleenwort.…
This variety of black spleenwort is the large crested variety. The fronds are six to twelve inches long.…
A stout plant with grey scales. The fronds range between 1 and 2 feet, and approximately 1 foot in width.…
A fern with fronds between 12 inches and 20 inches in length, with the width ranging between 4 inches…
The rocky ceiling of a coal mine is ornamented everywhere by exquisite tracery, inimitale representation…
The rocky ceiling of a coal mine is ornamented everywhere by exquisite tracery, inimitale representation…
The rocky ceiling of a coal mine is ornamented everywhere by exquisite tracery, inimitale representation…
A slightly-toothed fern with fronds ranging between 1 foot and 2 feet in length. It is a long and slender…
An oak fern with slender leaves that are generally between 6 and 10 inches. They are commonly found…
An elegant form of the Polypodium vulgare. The fronds are very finely divided.
"Spore-plant of a fern (Aspidium filix-mas). A, part of a rootstock and fronds; fr, young fronds unrollin.…
"It is made of pressed ferns, grasses, and flowers, with a beautifully colored Butterfly made of paper.…
A younger version of Polypodium tenellum. It is woody and wide-creeping when young.
A large-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. It is commonly found in tropical America.
A stout fern with light brown scales. The fronds of this fern range between 3 and 6 feet in length,…
This fern has broader, oblong fronds in comparison to the Polypodium lingua, whose fronds are between…
A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches…
A stout fern with brown scales. Fronds range between 1 foot and 3 feet in length, and 1 inch in width.
A wide-creeping fern with squarrose scales. Fertile fronds are narrow and long, whereas the barren ones…
"The Wall-pocket Basket filled with grasses, ferns, and flowers, makes a very neat ornament to hang…
A woody fern with numerous branches and dark brown, squarrose scales. They are commonly found in New…
An arrow-fronded fern with blackish, long leaves. They are common between Venezuela and Brazil.
A wide-creeping fern with long reddish-brown fronds, which grow to be approximately 1 foot in length.…
A bright brown fern with fronds reaching between 1 foot and 1.5 feet. They are commonly found in the…
A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in…
A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has…
Pecopteris, frond of an ancient tree fern, was a form genus of leaves from several unrelated plant groups…
A trembling fern with fronds ranging between 2 feet and 4 feet in length, and 6 inches and 2 feet in…
Underground fernery consists of a large cavity, dug in the middle of a hill, covered with sheet glass.…
A slender wide-creeping fern with grey and/or reddish-brown scales. They are commonly found between…