Outer layer of muscle on the back of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor; brachialis internus; 3, triceps extensor; 4, supinator radii longus; 5, extensor carpi radialis longior; 6, extensor carpi radialis brevior; 7, tendinous insertions of these muscles; 8, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 10, extensor carpi ulnaris; 13, extensor minor pollicis; 14, extensor major pollicis; 15, posterior annular ligament.

Muscles of the Forearm

Outer layer of muscle on the back of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor; brachialis internus; 3,…

Outer layer of muscles on the front of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor cubiti; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres; 5, flexor carpi radialis; 6, palmaris longus; 7, flexor sublimus digitorum; 8, flexor carpi ulnaris; 9, palmar fascia; 0, palmaris brevis muscle; 11, abductor pollicis manur; 12, flexor brevis pollicis manus; 13, supinator longus; 14, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis.

Muscles of the Forearm

Outer layer of muscles on the front of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor cubiti; 2, brachialis internus;…

The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist.

Muscles on Forearm

The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist.