"Confederate ironclad ram <em>Georgia</em> lying off Fort Jackson, Savannah River, Ga., December 1862."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Ironclad Georgia

"Confederate ironclad ram Georgia lying off Fort Jackson, Savannah River, Ga., December 1862."—…

"Fire raft sent down from Fort Jackson to destroy the Federal fleet below the fort- the boats of the squadron, with grapnels, buckets, etc. and the ferryboat "Westfield," towing it away from the Federal vessels. On April 17th, 1862, as the fire raft came on, the ferryboat "Westfield" ran into it, and then rapidly backing, poured a tremendous stream of water from a hose at the burning mass as it slowly floated down the river. The "Westfield" was assisted by numerous boats from the fleet, who used their buckets and boathoks to guide it safely away from the vessels at anchor. After a long and desperate conflict with the floating and fiery mass the brave Federal tars triumphed, the fire was extinguished, and only a mass of blackened and half-burned timber remained." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896


"Fire raft sent down from Fort Jackson to destroy the Federal fleet below the fort- the boats of the…