This fraction chart can be used for students to find A, B, and C in percentage. It can also be used to answer these questions (if it is 2.5 by 2 inches): "How many square inches in the entire figure? How many square inches in C? What part of a square inch is B? How large is A when compared to C? How large is B when compared to A? Into how many quarter-inch squares could you divide the whole figure?" -Foster, 1921

Fraction Chart

This fraction chart can be used for students to find A, B, and C in percentage. It can also be used…

"Here we see 1/2 of 3/4 lb. of candy= 3/8 lb. candy. Use inch, cubes and pennies to show such relations. Let a child have 20 pennies for his money. Let him show 1/2 of 1/2, 1/2 of 1/5, 1/5 of 1/2, 2/5 of 1/2 of his money, etc." -Foster, 1921

Mixed Numbers

"Here we see 1/2 of 3/4 lb. of candy= 3/8 lb. candy. Use inch, cubes and pennies to show such relations.…