A plant with divided fronds, which are rounded and convex. They are generally between 2 and 3 feet in…
A four-eared fern with fronds ranging between 6 inches and 3 feet in length. They are commonly found…
A stout plant with grey scales. The fronds range between 1 and 2 feet, and approximately 1 foot in width.…
A fern with fronds between 12 inches and 20 inches in length, with the width ranging between 4 inches…
A younger version of Polypodium tenellum. It is woody and wide-creeping when young.
A large-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. It is commonly found in tropical America.
This fern has broader, oblong fronds in comparison to the Polypodium lingua, whose fronds are between…
A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches…
A stout fern with brown scales. Fronds range between 1 foot and 3 feet in length, and 1 inch in width.
A wide-creeping fern with squarrose scales. Fertile fronds are narrow and long, whereas the barren ones…
Cycas revoluta or sago cycad is known as the king sago palm but is not a palm; it is a cycad.
A wide-creeping fern with long reddish-brown fronds, which grow to be approximately 1 foot in length.…
A bright brown fern with fronds reaching between 1 foot and 1.5 feet. They are commonly found in the…
A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has…
A trembling fern with fronds ranging between 2 feet and 4 feet in length, and 6 inches and 2 feet in…