The flowers of fuchsia apetala are red and pale yellow lobes. The flowers are one and a half inches…
The flowers of fuchsia corymbiflora are scarlet and two inches long. The flowers grow in clusters at…
The flowers of fuchsia earl of beaconsfield are a rosy carmine color. This plant is a hybrid.
The flowers of fuchsia erecta superba stand nearly erect. This shrub is a strong growing garden hybrid.
The flowers of fuchsia fulgens are scarlet and two inches long. The petals are shorter than the sepals.…
Fuchsia gipsy queen flowers have scarlet sepals and a violet corolla.
The flowers of fuchsia macrostema globosa are globular in shape. The petals are a purplish violet and…
Fuchsia macrostema gracilis flowers have purple petals and scarlet sepals. The flowers grow in a twisted…
The flowers of fuchsia microphylla are deep red and funnel shaped. The shrub grows to be two feet tall.…
Fuchsia miss lucy finnis flowers are very large. The tube and sepals are coral red. The corolla is pure…
The flowers of fuchsia serratifolia are scarlet. The flowers bloom in the summer. The shrub grows between…