The cell was set up in a glass, or glazed earthenware, pot. This contained the chromic acid solution, the carbon plate and a porous pot. Inside the porous pot was dilute sulfuric acid, the zinc rod, and a small quantity of mercury. The mercury formed an amalgam with the zinc and this reduced "local action", i.e. unwanted dissolution of the zinc when the cell was not in use.

Fuller Bichromate

The cell was set up in a glass, or glazed earthenware, pot. This contained the chromic acid solution,…

"The telephone standard and compound forms of Fuller cell... The Fuller cell is of the double fluid cariety and has the advantage over the Grenet type, in that the zinc is always kept well amalgamated and does not require removal from the solution." -Hawkins, 1917

Fuller Cell

"The telephone standard and compound forms of Fuller cell... The Fuller cell is of the double fluid…