Galls on leaf of rose. The location of a parasite is often marked by swellings of peculiar and fantastic…
Galls on leaf of rose. The location of a parasite is often marked by swellings of peculiar and fantastic…
Galls on stem of grape. The location of a parasite is often marked by swellings of peculiar and fantastic…
This spongy gall is found on various species of roses, and is produced by several insects as receptacles…
The larvae of leaf-miners eat out the tissue of the leaves of elm between the lateral veins. This leaves…
Pictured are mite galls on maple. The galls are malformations or swellings caused by the insect.
The term applied to the psychological theories of Gall and Spurzheim, founded upon 1, the discovery…
Pictured are phylloxera galls on chestnut. Insect larvae cause malformations or swellings of the leaves…
"The maple spot gall, so common on the leaves of the red maple, is made by the fungus-gnat of the order…