"General Merritt, born in New York city June 16th, 1836. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy July 1st, 1860, assigned to the dragoons and promoted first lieutenant May 13th, 1861, and captain April 13th, 1861, and captain April 5th, 1862. He took part in General George Stoneman's raid toward Richmond in April and May, 1863, and was in command of the reserve cavalry brigade in the Pennsylvania campaign of the same year, being commissioned brigadier general of volunteers in June. For gallant and meritrious services during the battle of Gettysburg he was brevetted major. Still in command of his brigade, he took part in the various engagements in Central Virginia in 1863-4, and was brevetted lieutenant colonel and colonel in the regular army and major general of volunteers, for gallantry at the battle of Yellow Tavern, Hawes's Shop and Winchester, respectively. On March 13th, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier general and major general in the regular army for bravery at the battle of Five Forks, and his services during the final Virginia campaign."— Frank Leslie, 1896

General Wesley Merritt

"General Merritt, born in New York city June 16th, 1836. He was graduated at the United States Military…