"General Stonewall Jackson, born in Clarkesburg, W. Va., January 21st, 1824, died at Chancellorsville, Va., May 10th, 1863, was graduated from the United States Military Academy, in 1846. He was ordered to Mexico, became a lieutenant in Magruder's battery, and took part in General Scott's campaign from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico. He was twice brevetted for good conduct at Churubusco and Chapultepec. He resigned from the army in 1851, on his election as professor of philosophy and artillery tactics in Virginia Military Institute. A few days after the secession of Virginia he took command of the troops that were collecting at Harper's Ferry, and when Virginia joined the Confederacy, a few weeks later, he was relieved by General Joseph E. Johnston, and then became commander of a brigade in Johnston's army, which rank he held at the battle of Bull Run. For his conduct on that occassion he was made major general, and in November, 1861, was assigned to the command of the district that included the Shenandoah Valley and the portion of Virginia northwest of it. In 1862 Jackson defeated Banks at Front Royal and Winchester, Fremont and McDowell at Cross Keys, Shields at Port Republic, Fitzjohn Porter at Gaines's Mill, Banks at Cedar Run and Pope at the second Bull Run. He invested and captured Harper's Ferry with 13,000 prisoners, and joined Lee at Antietam. He defeated Hooker at Chancellorsville, where he received his death wounds, accidentally, at the hands of his own men."— Frank Leslie, 1896

General Thomas J. Jackson

"General Stonewall Jackson, born in Clarkesburg, W. Va., January 21st, 1824, died at Chancellorsville,…